CX Research



Within the Execs In The Know community, a wealth of CX knowledge exists as a part of our CX Research library. As the appetite for industry research and data continues to grow, we will be evolving and taking our research to new levels. 

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  • CX Leaders Trends & Insights

    CX Leaders Trends & Insights reports provide in-depth insights into the experiences and perspectives of both consumers and practitioners alike, including analysis and commentary from Execs In The Know community members. The CX Leaders Trends & Insights reports are part of a series that is published twice yearly, including a fall Consumer Edition and a winter/spring Corporate Edition.

  • CX Hot Topics Research

    Deep dive into some of the hottest topics within the industry. From Industry-based Reports, to Self-Help Solutions, Gig, Work-From-Home, AI, and more – put your finger on the pulse of the industry and discover which topics are being discussed and investigated within the Execs In The Know community.

2025 CX Leaders Trends & Insights Corporate Edition

Key Insights:

  • Sixty-eight percent of survey respondents reported improving KPIs over the past 12 months, the highest percentage recorded since 2021.
  • Legacy Systems/Processes/Tools remains the biggest barrier to successful CX operations, with 42% of survey respondents naming it as their top challenge.
  • In 2024, 90% of brands have already deployed AI within their contact center or plan to do so soon, up from 61% in 2022.
  • Fifty-four percent of respondents believe 21-60% of customer engagements are too complex to be resolved using self-help or AI-powered solutions.
  • Seventy-four percent of CX leaders expect to invest in new technology and/or integrated solutions to improve cross-channel consistency.
  • Fifty-eight percent of respondents feel their company culture aligns with a customer-first strategy, the highest since 2018.

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2024 CX Leaders Trends & Insights Consumer Edition

Key Insights:

  • The trend of consumers using Text-Based solutions more frequently than Voice-Based solutions continued for the second year in a row. Use of Text-Based solutions continue to grow, while use of Voice-Based solutions continues to fall.
  • Seventy percent of consumers were able to complete their transaction using self-help, the highest in the past three years of data, yet 50% of consumers say they “Always” or “Often” abandon because the solution was too difficult or ineffective.
  • Fifty-three percent of consumers think it’s “Very Important” for customer care and CX to have influence within a company, while another 31% think it’s “Somewhat Important.” Furthermore, 39% of consumers think that influence should be “Extreme.”
  • Eighty-six percent of consumers feel it is either “Very” or “Somewhat” important for agents to have empathy during the resolution process, while only four percent think it “Very” or “Somewhat” unimportant.


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State of the Tech: AI in the Contact Center

Among survey respondents:

  • Twenty-two percent indicate there is an AI executive leadership role at their organization, with another 18% indicating plans for such a role.
  • Fifty-one percent indicate an improvement in overall CSAT scores following deployment of AI for CX, while only 6% indicate a deterioration of same.
  • Sixty-seven percent of those with customer-facing, AI-powered solutions in place indicate their customers were either “Very” or “Somewhat” receptive to such solutions.
  • Sixty-eight percent expect increases in their AI-dedicated budget in the next 12 months, while decreases were anticipated by no one.

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Artificial Intelligence for CX: Exploring Consumer Perceptions

Key Finding

  • 55% of consumers would interact with an AI-powered virtual agent if it meant a faster, easier resolution to a customer care issue.
  • 45% of consumers thought it was appropriate for brands to use AI to assist customers in resolving their customer care issues.
  • 41% of consumer have an improved opinion of companies that are expanding their use of AI-powered technologies (whereas 17% have a decreased opinion).
  • If resolving a customer care issue using an AI-powered solution, consumers’ top channel preference would be Online Chat (38%), followed by Text/SMS (18%), and Email (12%).

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The 2024 CX Leaders Trends & Insights Corporate Edition

Key Finding

  • Seventy-three percent of organizations are currently investing in AI for their CX operations, up from 48% year-over-year
  • The most significant challenge for CX operations is “Legacy Systems/Processes/Tools,” with 35% of CX leaders naming this as their biggest challenge
  • Seventy-six percent of respondents described the influence of CX at their organizations as either “Extreme” (25%) or “Moderate” (51%), with only 7% describing CX’s influence as “Little” or “None at All”
  • More “Leadership Engagement/Recognition” is thought to be the top motivator for CX agents, with 59% of CX leaders naming it as one of the most effective

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Exploring Corporate Opinions on BPOs

Key Finding

  • 33% of those currently outsourcing said “Reduce Costs” is their primary objective for outsourcing, while 30% of those not currently outsourcing said “Reduce Costs” would be the primary driver should they outsource in the future (both top answers among each respective group)
  • Among the top concerns CX leaders have with outsourcing in general are Guarding Brand Equity/Reputation (65%), Program Performance and Quality (48%), Costs (38%), and Data Integrity/Security (35%)
  • 60% of survey respondents said they’d be willing to pay more for BPO services based on the suite of services and technologies offered by the provider
  • 50% of survey respondents expect no changes to their outsourcing situation in the coming year

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Experience & Loyalty Insights: A Research-Based Review — Retail & eCommerce

Key Finding

  • Among both “Loyalist” and “Non-Loyalist” consumers, “Provide Consistent, High-Quality Experiences at Every Touch Point” was the top answer when asked what Retail/eCommerce brands need to do to create an exceptional customer experience
  • On a five-point scale, 42% of consumers said Retail/eCommerce brands are providing “Better” or “Much Better” customer care compared to that of three years ago (pre-pandemic)
  • “Managing Cost, Including Rising Operational Costs” is expected to be the biggest CX challenge among most (56%) Retail/eCommerce brands in the coming 12 months
  • Only 36% of Retail/eCommerce brands consider themselves “Very Mature” or “Somewhat Mature” in using customer data to improve the customer experience compared to 60% across all industries

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CX AGENTS: A Survey of CX Leaders Regarding Their Most Valuable Asset

Key Finding

  • The four areas of agent improvement where companies are spending the most time, attention, and resources include Improving Soft Skills (26%), Increasing Training/Coaching Resources (24%), Raising Performance/Proficiency (22%), and Improving Processes and Tools (20%)
  • Problem-Solving Ability is viewed as the most critical agent soft skill in creating an exceptional customer care experience, indicated by 35% of survey respondents
  • CSAT/VoC/Effort (47%), Handle Time/Volume (43%), and Quality/Compliance (36%) are the most closely tracked agent-related KPIs among survey respondents
  • Sixty-two percent of agents managed by survey respondents are in a Hybrid work environment, compared to 23% strictly working from home, and 11% strictly working in an office

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Key Finding

  • 74% of CX leaders indicated their organizations are already taking significant or modest actions to address economic uncertainties
  • 86% of CX leaders felt their organizations were generally meeting the customer care needs and expectations of customers, the highest result since 2018
  • CX leaders report their single biggest challenges facing CX operations are: Legacy Systems/Processes/Tools (34%), Labor Force/Staffing/Agent Performance (27%), and Balancing Automation with Live Assist (11%)
  • Only 31% of CX leaders are “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied” with their current CX technology stacks

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Key Stats

  • When asked about the most frustrating aspect of resolving a customer care issue with a brand, the top answer was “Difficulty in Reaching a Live Person” (42%), distantly followed by “Poor Agent Quality (Communication, Attitude)” (19%)
  • Text-Based solutions had sizable year-over-year (YOY) gains with 35% of consumers naming them as their most frequently used solution (compared to 45% for Voice-Based solutions)
  • 50% of survey respondents shared about their experience when it was a positive experience, whereas 80% of survey respondents shared about their experience when it was a negative experience
  • Only 44% of survey respondents were “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied” with their most recent use of self-help, versus 28% who were either “Very Dissatisfied” or “Dissatisfied”

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  • The top objective for outsourcing among survey respondents includes Reducing Costs (30%), Meeting Staffing Requirements (25%), and Reducing Risk and Build Redundancies (19%)
  • Among respondents, the biggest causes for concern when it comes to work-from-home include Connectivity/Internet (48%), Agent Engagement/Supervision (45%), and Data Security (43%)
  • Thirty-three percent of survey respondents have been asked for price increases by their BPOs in the past 12 months
  • “Cultural Alignment” is the most important consideration among survey respondents when it comes to selecting a new BPO partner

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The 2023 Gig Customer Service Report

Key Finding

  • For the third year in a row, the number one reason why workers choose to be a GigCX Expert is “Flexibility”
  • GigCX Experts are highly educated, with 70% holding an undergraduate degree or higher
  • Seventy-nine percent of survey respondents have increased their budgets for direct hiring or outsourcing
  • The top cause of concern for service staffing in 2023 continues to be “Demand for Flexible Working,” indicated by 29% of respondents
  • Thirty-two percent of survey respondents feel chatbots have been successful in diverting traffic from humans in recent years

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2022 SELF-HELP SOLUTIONS: Exploring Consumer Experiences, Preferences, and Opinions

Key Stats

  • 25% of consumers have recently used self-help to resolve an issue, get an answer, or research/buy a product or service
  • 60% of those who recently used a self-help solution considered the experience “Very Easy” or “Easy,” compared to 16% who considered the experience “Very Difficult” or “Difficult”
  • 78% of recent self-help solution users with ultimately able to resolve their issue or get an answer using the self-help solution
  • 44% of survey respondent would not agree to providing a company with more information about themselves in order to receive better, more personalized self-help experiences

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