

June 10, 2021
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An Execs In The Know Virtual Event for End-User Corporate Brands



Enabling Work from Home — Critical steps to long-term success

A work-from-home strategy is an important tool in your tool box and the time to optimize and better enable your remote teams is now.

Join us for our Enabling Work-from-Home Briefing on June 10, 2021 (8:30 – AM PDT – 11:00 AM PDT / 11:30 AM EDT – 2:00 PM EDT), along with 20-30 of your corporate brand peers for a highly interactive session. Tap into the experience and knowledge of our expert panelists and our CX leadership community.

Don’t miss out on these powerful discussions.

Request an Invitation
(End-User Corporate Brands Only)

Meet The Hosts

Ebrahim and Chad will lead the discussion to cover the topics at hand.


This Virtual Briefing takes a look over the horizon at what’s most important for ensuring the long-term viability and the successful management of a remote workforce. Learn about WFH 2.0 best practices and find out what practitioners and industry insiders have to say about their critical initiatives.

Some discussion topics of the day could include:

  • Cultivating employee wellness, engagement, and cultural transference in a remote workforce
  • Finding the right tools and processes to recruit, hire, train, and coach in a virtual world
  • Striking the right balance between employee monitoring, performance management, and individual privacy
  • Maintaining data security by revamping operating guidelines and tapping into new technologies

This Work-from-Home Briefing will include collaboration with global CX brand leaders and feature a panel of CX subject-matter experts.

The Panel

Along with Ebrahim Hyder from Michael Kors, the Panel will share their breadth and depth of insights.
To learn more about each panelist, click on their photo to read their bio.

Meet the Co-Host, Featured Panel, and read about our sponsors for the event.


    Attendees should include corporate executives who are focused on the operational strategy and execution of customer care. This will include those who are currently using or considering using Work From Home in their CX strategy.

    Vendor attendance to this event is limited to the participating panelists. If you are a vendor (provider of CX services/solution), please contact [email protected] to learn how to participate in upcoming events.


June 10, 2021

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM EDT Welcome & Kickoff
11:45 AM – 1:55 PM EDT WFH Panel & Collaboration
1:55 PM – 2:00 PM EDT Wrap Up

When you register, provide your top three most pressing challenges and/or opportunities for discussion and your input will help influence the discussion. This will be a 2.5 hour deep-dive conversation to help inspire your innovation and give you insights to propel your strategies.

Don’t miss this powerful solution-focused event full of learning and sharing.

JUNE 11, 2021
CX Brand Leaders – Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!

We’re sure to uncover topics during the Briefing that you are passionate about so we’ve reserved time to dig in deeper.

As a Corporate Brand CX leader, when you register for the Briefing, we will send you an exclusive invitation to join us for a post-briefing, corporate-only discussion the following day from 11:30AM – 1:00PM EDT. The goal of this session is to have a candid conversation with corporate-only attendees about their key takeaways from the previous day’s knowledge share. Additionally, during Friday’s discussion, the floor will be open for you to bring forth additional questions or topics that you wish to table with your peers.

request your invitation


  • Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?

    Sponsors include solution providers (vendors, BPOS, software companies, etc).