


Have you ever had an automated customer experience that left you feeling frustrated and dissatisfied? We’ve all been there. With game-changing advances over the last several months, AI-powered CX solutions are demonstrating true and renewed value to improve the customer service experience.

In this new state of maturity, AI is offering new possibilities for companies to provide more efficient, effective, and personalized solutions for their customers. From chatbots to agent-assist, AI technology has been revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. That promise has taken on new life with recent advances that move current tools light-years ahead of those from the past. It’s time to say goodbye to robotic customer service and embrace meaningful engagement powered by AI.

Join us on June 29, 2023, for our Executive Briefing, along with 20-30 of your peers and a panel of thought leaders to discuss AI-Powered CX Solutions — A Deep Dive into Technological Advances That Fuel New Benefits for Better Customer Experiences.

You’ll want to be part of this engaging, two-hour conversation followed by a peer-to-peer, corporate-only discussion the following day.

registration for this event is closed
end-user corporate brands only

Meet Your Hosts

Your Expert Panel

Along with Chad, the Panel will share their breadth and depth of insights.

“Seven to ten years ago, the overselling of programmatic response chatbots as AI left many organizations scratching their heads after some quick wins. Today, ChatGPT is demonstrating true AI capability, and I believe it will play a big role in solving some long lingering issues.”

Jared Benesh
Executive Vice President, Member Experience Transformation, Member Service
Support & Branch Network Operations at State Employees’ Credit Union


AI-Powered Solutions Topic Highlights

In today’s fast-paced digital world, keeping up with the latest trends in AI-powered CX solutions are crucial for CX leaders. As the demand for personalized customer service experience increases, AI can become your most powerful tool when it comes to customer experience.

AI-powered solutions offer a multitude of benefits, from improving customer engagement and satisfaction to streamlining operations and increasing revenue. As such, it is vital for CX leaders to stay informed about the latest advancements in AI technology and how they can be leveraged to optimize their customer experiences.

During this Briefing, learn from others and share your winning strategies with your peers, especially those that helped you achieve the best possible outcomes.

In addition to the topics above, we will be addressing key trending shortcomings and opportunities currently facing our community. These topics will come directly from registered attendees in advance.

Some other possible discussion topics of the day could include:


  • New advances in Agent- and Customer-facing technologies and the business benefits
  • Use cases for AI in CX and best practices
  • Adoption and effectively addressing adoption challenges
  • Aligning agents and their machine counterparts for value creation
  • Considerations of AI, including legal, ethical, privacy, etc.
  • And much more …

Day one

June 29, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ET

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET Welcome & Kickoff 
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM ET AI-Powered CX Solutions Discussion & Collaboration
1:15 PM– 1:30 PM ET Wrap Up

When you register, provide your top three most pressing questions or discussion points related to AI-Powered CX Solutions — your input will help influence the discussion. This will be a 2-hour deep-dive conversation to help inspire you, guide innovation, and give you insights to propel your strategies and CX offerings.

Don’t miss this powerful solution-focused event full of learning and sharing.

Day Two

June 30, 2023
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET

CX Brand Leaders – Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

We’re sure to uncover topics during the Briefing that you are passionate about, so we’ve reserved time to dig in deeper.

As a corporate brand CX leader, after you register for the Briefing, you’ll receive an exclusive invitation to join us for a post-briefing, corporate-only discussion the following day (Friday, June 30, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET).

The goal of this session is to have a candid conversation with corporate-only attendees about key takeaways from the previous day’s knowledge share. Additionally, during Friday’s discussion, the floor will be open for you to bring forth additional questions or topics that you wish to address with your peers.

end-user corporate brands only




Virtual Executive Briefings are small, collaborative group sessions that offer an unparalleled opportunity to meet and engage with other CX executives by sharing best practices through an unfiltered discussion. It’s an opportunity to come to the table with your insights and gain perspectives and actionable takeaways to help you solve your most pressing CX challenges.


    Attendees should include corporate executives who are focused on the operational strategy and execution of customer care. This includes those who are currently using or considering using AI-Powered CX Solutions in their CX strategy. Vendor attendance at this event is limited to the participating panelists.

    If you’re a vendor (provider of CX services/solutions), please contact us at [email protected] to learn how to get involved.


Learn more about each partner by clicking on their logo below.


    Sponsors include solution providers – vendors, BPOs, software companies, etc.